A Magic Carpet for 12 Iranian Girls (2015)

Transmedia project that involved a field trip to Iran, interview sessions, and resulting design of a carpet and deck of cards based on the life stories of twelve young Iranian women.

The carpets are being produced as a numbered series and auctioned. Proceedings help an Iranian foundation that cares for at-risk young women. With Maartje Nevejan and Alwine van Heemstra.

The project was presented during the live event WARP and WOOF: Carpet Storytelling at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. Among the speakers: Petra Blaisse, Barbara Broekman, and Het Tapijtmuseum Genemuiden, Maartje Nevejan, Rogerio Lira and Alwine van Heemstra.

Project details: the-magic-carpet.org